Jennifer Geacone-Cruz

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Montréal, LangFest, and the "intermediate desert"

It's nearly time for the second big polyglot event of the year: Montréal's LangFest, co-run by the best Icelandic emergency room wingman ever and polyglot parenting guru, Tetsu Yung.

It's my first LangFest, and I'm so very excited to say that I'll be presenting on moving beyond the vast desert of the intermediate level in language learning. More on what you can expect from this talk coming up very soon, so watch this space.

I'm honoured to be sharing the stage with an amazing roster of speakers, including: 

I'm looking forward to my first visit to Montréal since my university years — and to see some dear friends (Jean Snow, Amelia & family: looking at you) along with my incredible polyglot community family.

Stay tuned for my upcoming post with details on my talk, et on se voit là-bas à Montréal!